Dr. Katherine Su Nie

Dr. Katherine Su Nie

The Founder and the President of ACICES and CALUA, Justice of the Peace, Doctor of Management and Master of International Studies in Curtin University, Registered Education Agent who has accomplished professional training and passed official assessment in Australia.

After pursuing further study in Australia, Dr Katherine Su Nie has devoted herself wholeheartedly to the development of Education in both Australia and China. With her outstanding expertise and profound understanding of the education sector, she committed herself to promoting cultural and educational exchange and cooperation between Australia and China, establishing reliable platforms for education providers and promoting the internationalization of China’s education system. Many top students from China benefited from her excellent work and pursued further study in Australia, receiving its top quality education known to the world.

Over the past twenty-five years, ACICES (with the support from ABG Group) successfully assisted a large number of students to study in Australia and boosted investment, economy and trade in Australia under Katherine’s guidance